3 Stupid Things To Say To Get Door Slammed On Your Face
1. "Let's make out!" Look, dude - even if she looks like absolutely wants to sit on your face, do not ruin everything by making a PUBLIC DECLARATION. Be more tactful. When she is more than ready, then just do it, and shut up.
2. "You're a fat slob!" Yes, women will ask you from time to time how they look. You can ruin everything by being dead honest. So, don't. Let them live their dream of being hotter looking than other females. If she is overweight, don't comment on it at all. But wait - why are you going out with a fat woman anyway?
3. "You talk too much, shut up!" If she talks too much, she's just being a woman. Let her be. Here's the deal - if she talks too much to you, she probably don't mind sleeping with you. So, endure her, at least until you get her in the sack.
Now that you know what NOT to say. When you talk to her, get her go through an 'emotional rollercoaster' - ie by alternating between sad and happy states - and she will find herself get hopelessly attracted to you. It's really not as difficult as it sounds. Borrowed from the field of psychology and hypnosis, it is known to be one of the most effective (and amoral!) way to get women attracted to men.
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~chocolocoe deputy~
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