So the theme today 'til Feb. 15 is... *drumroll* LOVE!(as if it isn't obvious)
Love as stated in wikipedia is:
verb and a noun. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the
feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to
other emotional states.
One word:Nosebleed
Love can have thousands of meanings, each depending on every person
in the world which means that there's like...gazillions of 'em!
Haha, sorry if I'm being too weird. It's my first time making a blog so just continue reading!mkay?
So yeah, in relation to this topic, I think im gonna make a story that is FICTIONAL with
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, and with an absolutely NOT TRUE plot.Get it?haha
Well maybe I'm gonna insert some real people here and there but sshh!(or I might just borrow some one-shots from ;)
P.S. Jpop Rocks ^_^
Yeah nakacomment nah!!!! XDXD
haha.macomment man kmi :))
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